Eretz Yisrael Time

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Monday, March 17, 2008
There's nothing like idiotic comments from Tzipi Livni to provide good fodder for this blog.

The Original Livni Statement:
"Whoever claims that we must cease negotiations should be straight with themselves and explain how that would end terror."

The Obvious Intelligent Rejoinder:
"Whoever claims that we must continue negotiations should be straight with themselves and explain how that would end terror."

The Original Livni Statement:
"Only if we fight terror on the one hand, and conduct peace negotiations on the other, will we come to a final settlement"

The Real (and idiotic) Original Statement:
"We will fight terror as if there is no peace; and pursue peace as if there were no terror."

(Sounded stupid when he said it too).

The Original Livni Statement:
"Israel cannot allow terrorism to be used as an excuse to end negotiations, just like the Palestinians cannot use IDF operations in the Gaza Strip as an excuse to freeze the diplomatic process. "

"IDF operations to end terror attacks are morally equivalent to PA sponsored terrorism."


Anonymous said...

There are not alone now they have Rev. Wright and Obama

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