Thursday, March 13, 2008
25 Adar I, 5768
March 3, ‘08
To the British Government
Home Office
Border and Immigration Agency
Two months ago, I received a letter from your office in which you stated that I am not welcome in your country. As I was under the impression that the letter was a practical joke, I attempted to clarify its authenticity before I replied. Now that I have ascertained that the letter is indeed authentic, I wish to make a few points:
1. I did not request entry into Britain and I have no immediate plans to do so.
2. It would be proper to investigate the reasons for this strange initiative against a political figure in Israel. This initiative constitutes yet another example of European interference in Israel’s internal affairs.
3. Being that infamous terrorists such as Ibrahim Moussaui of the Hizbollah are actually most welcome in Britain, while I -- who have never harmed anyone - am not, I understand that your policy is to encourage and support terror.
4. As is clarified in your letter, the basis for your decision is material that I had written years ago citing the necessity to fight Arab terrorists and my analysis of the culture from which terror grows. Among other facts, you quote my article in which I wrote that "The Arab is not the son of the desert, but rather, its father."
For your information, that quote was taken directly from the book "The Desert Yesterday and Today" written by none other than British High Commissioner of Sinai, Sir Claude Jarvis in 1938.
5. Considering the moral depths to which your nation has sunk, I find your letter most complimentary. It is a great honor for me to join the illustrious list of former prime ministers of Israel, Menachem Begin and Yitzchak Shamir, who also received similar letters from your offices.
Moshe Feiglin
March 3, ‘08
To the British Government
Home Office
Border and Immigration Agency
Two months ago, I received a letter from your office in which you stated that I am not welcome in your country. As I was under the impression that the letter was a practical joke, I attempted to clarify its authenticity before I replied. Now that I have ascertained that the letter is indeed authentic, I wish to make a few points:
1. I did not request entry into Britain and I have no immediate plans to do so.
2. It would be proper to investigate the reasons for this strange initiative against a political figure in Israel. This initiative constitutes yet another example of European interference in Israel’s internal affairs.
3. Being that infamous terrorists such as Ibrahim Moussaui of the Hizbollah are actually most welcome in Britain, while I -- who have never harmed anyone - am not, I understand that your policy is to encourage and support terror.
4. As is clarified in your letter, the basis for your decision is material that I had written years ago citing the necessity to fight Arab terrorists and my analysis of the culture from which terror grows. Among other facts, you quote my article in which I wrote that "The Arab is not the son of the desert, but rather, its father."
For your information, that quote was taken directly from the book "The Desert Yesterday and Today" written by none other than British High Commissioner of Sinai, Sir Claude Jarvis in 1938.
5. Considering the moral depths to which your nation has sunk, I find your letter most complimentary. It is a great honor for me to join the illustrious list of former prime ministers of Israel, Menachem Begin and Yitzchak Shamir, who also received similar letters from your offices.
Moshe Feiglin
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Go Moshe!! I was a student in Britain and used to greatly admire the country. Recently, all I see is soccer hooligans, drunken teenage girls in the streets and abject moral emptiness. Sure, bending over backwards to appease terrorists will bring peace in a hurry! Didn't another British gent attempt that in 1938? How sad!
As an Englishman, this whole affair leaves me ashamed and disgusted by my government. But then, this is not an uncommon affair.
That should read "uncommon state of affairs".
Dear Mr. Feiglin:
I couldn't have written a better letter to the ignorant British government! What else could you expect from a country that has it's head so far up the wealthy arab sheiks asses for so long.
Ever since the trip I took to Israel many years ago that stopped in Heathrow, I looked out the window and thought I was in Saudi Arabia, I've never had the urge to step foot in that country since.
I look forward to meeting you in person at Shaarei Tefilla in Toronto, soon.
May Hashem bless you for your efforts on behalf of Jews in and outside of Israel. Amen
Leon Kushner
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