Eretz Yisrael Time

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Saturday, March 04, 2006
Following last week's expose in Makor Rishon on Peace Now, Makor Rishon has done it again.

Last summer a senior officer fled from England (he never even got off the plane) as he was worried he was to be charged and jailed with war crimes (read my post on it here).

Last week it happened again.

It's no secret that the lawyer filing the charges against these IDF officers is a radical leftwing former Israeli Jew living in England.

What Makor Rishon uncovered this week is that all the information supplied to the lawyer was supplied by none other than the members of Yesh Gvul, an extremist leftwing Israeli organization, that holds among it's esteemed members none other than the draft dodging son of our own current interim Prime Minister Ehud Olmert!

I think the title of this post says more about them than any other comments I could write.
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