Eretz Yisrael Time

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Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Anyway you slice it there is not even close to a Right-wing or Center-Right constellation of parties. On the other hand, it looks like the Left can form a viable coalition without Kadima if they wanted. It would be tight, but it would be doable.

The numbers may still change slightly, but that is all.

I’m waiting for the final numbers, but Baruch Marzel may have come very close (or even in) despite the various campaigns against him. We’ll know later in the morning.

I think there are lessons here for the Right. Stop attacking your fellow right-wing parties. Your opponents are the Left-wing parties. How much money and campaign time was wasted attacking each other (and I don’t just mean against Marzel)?

Every Right-wing party looked at the pie and kept trying to slice it at the expense of the other Right-wing parties as opposed to exclusively trying to expand the pie by attracting unaffiliated and undecided voters.

Also learn that Israelis now care about social/economic issues, and you can’t continue to be a one-trick pony anymore, or at least only harp on one issue.

Wake up! Stop counting on Shas and UTJ to stand by your side! They aren’t Right-wing parties and never were. Their constituents may very well be, but they aren’t getting voted in for that. They are getting voted in for the money.

And on that note, I wanted to discuss how the religious parties will be playing a role in the upcoming disengagements, but perhaps I'll save it for another post.
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