Eretz Yisrael Time

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Tuesday, March 28, 2006
The initial exit polls are coming in, and beyond portraying the mass voter apathy, it is pretty clear that any sort of strong ‘right-wing’ bloc is not even close. Lieberman’s party already declared their willingness to join Qadima, Labor obviously wants to join, and the evening’s surprise, the Pensioner’s party said they have no ideological stance beyond their one issue, so whoever takes care of them gets their support (actually they have a stance and it is Left, read 3.2 and 3.3. hattip Robert Klein).

The Ultra-Orthodox parties Aguda/Degel and Shas both did slightly better than expected, but they will also go with Qadima for the money. They won't get as much as they wanted perhaps because Qadima doesn't really need them anymore, but they'll get their bone for keeping quiet during the next disengagement.

After the Likud’s devastation, we can expect a coup against Netanyahu, and if it succeeds Silvan will probably try to bring the Likud into Qadima (which will just make the party disappear).

The NRP NU is already trying to blame their poor less than expected showing on Baruch Marzel whose unity attempt they spurned. Oh please.

On the other hand, Qadima did very well, but not well enough to get the 100% free hand it wanted (just 95%).

Labor and the Pensioner’s party did very well, which shows that economic issues are now going to take the forefront, unfortunately I hope this isn’t a step backwards towards an even larger government, more government interference, and of course higher taxes, but it may very well be. (Shitreet thinks a 200% tax on cars is a good thing).

It may very well be that the government will be so busy raising our taxes to create economic equality (everyone equally poor?) that it will be too busy to waste the time throwing me out of my home in exchange for Katushya (that’s right the Gazans launched their first Iranian Katushya rocket today into Ashkelon) rockets. Aren't we glad the censors did not let that get published until the polls were nearly closed?

Oh well.

The counting of the votes will continue until the morning and they'll also start to count the soldier's votes.

Time to go to sleep and see what changes by the morning (I don't expect much, maybe Alei Yarok will get in after all).
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