Eretz Yisrael Time

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Saturday, March 25, 2006
[Parts of this post got erased, so I am rewriting it from memory. It may look slightly different from before.]

I assume that Ze’ev is a bit upset at JoeSettler’s endorsement of Baruch Marzel for the upcoming elections though it is nothing personal, but the fact is that there were two very revealing articles in this weekend’s paper that say a lot about the candidates, personalities, and parties involved and just confirms my decision.

To begin with, HaMakom, a new regional paper, printed an interview with NRP’s Zevulun Orlev.

Ze’ev’s comments in my previous post, Orlev admits that Marzel was willing to join the National Union’s union for the purpose of unifying the Right. Orlev claims that he had no role in the decision to reject Marzel, and not only should Marzel renounce his candidacy in the upcoming elections, but "Marzel is disqualified ("פסול" in Hebrew) as a human being in [Orlev’s] eyes" !!!

I think this says a lot more about Orlev than it does Marzel.

[The original post got erased from here on]
BaSheva ran an interview with Benny Elon. Benny stated that "he doesn't denigrate anyone. It could very well be that Marzel would bring a new spirit into the Knesset, but you have to understand that he doesn't have any chance to pass the threshold. If you could publicly prove that he [Marzel] has the possibility to pass the threshold, it would better to help him rather than damage the entire [Right-wing] camp. But that isn’t the situation…”

Marzel party just completed a Commitment Campaign”, 57,734 people have committed themselves to voting Marzel.

That is pretty close to passing the threshold.

Benny Elon – Marzel is counting on you now. You've said you would do what is best for the camp. Orlev is proving to be a drag on the NU and the Right, don’t let the Right down when it comes to Marzel.

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