Eretz Yisrael Time

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Friday, January 20, 2006
Yesterday I said that I was going to reveal a secret.

It’s a secret known to only a select few: some settlers, some MKs and employees of the government, various members of the extremist Peace Now, Talia Sasson, and very soon, you too.

It’s a secret that has to do with “illegal” outposts.

And this particular secret has to do with the outpost of Amona (near Ofra), the 40 family "outpost" that Olmert plans to overrun and destroy with thousands of troops in the very near future.

But first let me give you some background.

The latest story with Amona began when the HJC (Israeli High Court of Justice) was petitioned that Amona was on stolen Arab land and construction should be stopped, and buildings demolished.

But here's a catch, the Arab owners, the injured party, were not the ones petitioning the HJC!

So who was it then?

We'll get to that in a minute.

In the meantime, let me give you a little more background information.

The Palestinian Authority has a standing law. Any Palestinian who sells land to a Jew will be executed. Period.

And therein lies the problem, because there are plenty of Arabs that would love to sell their land to Jewish buyers, but they just don’t want to be strung up on a lamppost, mutilated, and then shot.

And there are plenty of Jews who want to buy land from Arabs, but don’t want them to be tortured and killed because of a simple commercial transaction.

The Secret begins to be revealed.
So in comes some mysterious groups of Jews and they make a deal.

You see, the land is bought, deeds and all, clear and proper through various channels, and the Jews in turn agree to not disclose the identity of the seller (to protect the Arab’s lives).

In many cases (particularly if protecting them won’t be possible) the Arab seller along with his family are resettled in a Western country where they live comfortably without any more threats of execution on their heads.

And this is exactly how the land of Amona was acquired.

So now you’re still asking yourself, “If that’s the case, then when it went before the Israeli Supreme Court ( HCJ), why didn’t the settlers simply pull out the Proof of Purchase?”

Ahh, herein lies the story. To understand it, once again, you need just a little more background information.

As I mentioned before, the most recent story with Amona started when the HJC was petitioned that Amona was on stolen Arab land and construction should be stopped, and buildings demolished.

But the former Arab owners, having sold the land were not the ones petitioning the HJC at all.

Let me repeat that in case you missed it; the former Arab owners, having sold the land were not the ones petitioning the HJC.

They sold the land – 100% legal (except in the Palestinian Authority - wow, talk about apartheid!), and there is written documentation that backs that sale up.

If they went to court saying the land was stolen, the Jews would simply pull out the contracts and...


Instant bullet in the head for the Arab sellers (of course, only after being dragged around Ramallah for a while behind a speeding truck - probably stolen).

So who then petitioned the HJC, you are probably still asking yourself?

Why, in the Amona case, it was none other than Peace Now.

You see, they know the settlers would never reveal the Arab’s identities and get those innocent people killed, so Peace Now comes in with their scheme to further implement the destruction of everything Jewish (in Judea/Samaria).

The settlers, having no desire to see the Arabs murdered, won’t pull out the contracts (unless the Arab tries a double cross - and this has happened with properties around the Old City of Jerusalem and the contracts did get pulled out).

And that is why, not even a single Arabs claimant has shown up in the past 10 years (or even gets named as a claimant or petitioner in the Peace Now petition) to make a claim on the Amona land stolen from them – because it simply was never stolen.

So there you have it. The dirty little secret.

Jews secretly buy land from Arabs.
Arabs secretly sell land to Jews.
And then Peace Now tries to get innocent Arabs killed and Jews kicked off their fairly purchased property - all in the name of Peace.

Sick world, isn't it sometimes?
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